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Open Books



Friends of the Vestal Public Library (FVPL) is a community-focused non-profit organization comprised of volunteers. Their main tasks include:


  • Volunteering at the Library to help with outreach (tabling) at events, sorting and helping at Book Sales, spending time maintaining the outdoor gardens, and membership recruitment.

  • Helping to generate public support and awareness about the library by participating in and planning programs and events.

  • Spearheading fundraising efforts to meet Library and community needs such as capital improvement projects, maintaining and updating relevant technology, and supporting meaningful programs and services.


If you are interested in becoming a Friend of the Library, please sign up or email us with any questions.

Book Sale Dates in 2025:

February 20 - 22

April 24 - 26

June 26 - 28

September 25 - 27

December 4 - 6

Hours (Unless otherwise listed on library calendars)

Thursday: 10 AM - 6 PM

Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM

Saturday: 11 AM - 4 PM

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